BibTeX Export of Author::Oezden
@ARTICLE{geminiani_ea_2024_NeuroInf, author = {Geminiani, Alice and Kathrein, Judith and Yegenoglu, Alper and Vogel, Franziska and Armendariz, Marcelo and Ben-Zion, Ziv and Bogdan, Petrut Antoniu and Covelo, Joana and Diaz Pier, Marissa and Grasenick, Karin and Karasenko, Vitali and Klijn, Wouter and Kokan, Tina and Lupascu, Carmen Alina and L{\"{u}}hrs, Anna and Mahfoud, Tara and {\"{O}}zden, Taylan and Pedersen, Jens Egholm and Peres, Luca and Reiten, Ingrid and Simidjievski, Nikola and Ulnicane, Inga and van der Vlag, Michiel and Zehl, Lyuba and Saria, Alois and Diaz-Pier, Sandra and Passecker, Johannes}, month = nov, title = {Interdisciplinary and collaborative training in neuroscience: Insights from the Human Brain Project Education Programme}, journal = {Neuroinformatics}, year = {2024}, pages = {1--35}, issn = {1559-0089}, doi = {10.1007/s12021-024-09682-6} } @INPROCEEDINGS{tarraf_ea_2024_CLUSTER, author = {Tarraf, Ahmad and Mu{\~{n}}os, Javier F. and Singh, David E. and {\"{O}}zden, Taylan and Carretero, Jesus and Wolf, Felix}, month = sep, title = {I/O Behind the Scenes: Bandwidth Requirements of HPC Applications With Asynchronous I/O}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Kobe, Japan}, year = {2024}, pages = {1--14}, publisher = {IEEE}, note = {(to appear)} } @ARTICLE{Almaaitah2024, author = {Almaaitah, Njoud O. and Singh, David E. and {\"{O}}zden, Taylan and Carretero, Jesus}, month = jan, title = {Performance-driven scheduling for malleable workloads}, journal = {The Journal of Supercomputing}, year = {2024}, issn = {1573-0484}, doi = {10.1007/s11227-023-05882-0} } @INPROCEEDINGS{oezden_ea:2022:icpp, author = {{\"{O}}zden, Taylan and Beringer, Tim and Mazaheri, Arya and Fard, Hamid Mohammadi and Wolf, Felix}, keywords = {adaptive job scheduling, batch systems, malleable workloads, resource management, simulations}, month = aug, title = {ElastiSim: A Batch-System Simulator for Malleable Workloads}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Bordeaux, France}, year = {2022}, pages = {1--11}, publisher = {ACM}, isbn = {9781450397339}, doi = {10.1145/3545008.3545046} }