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@ARTICLE{Riedel_ea:2009:InteroperableResearchInfrastructures, author = {Riedel, Morris and Wolf, Felix and Kranzlm{\"{u}}ller, Dieter and Streit, Achim and Lippert, Thomas}, keywords = {e-Health, e-Science Infrastructures, HPC, HTC, Interoperability, Reference Model}, month = dec, title = {Research Advances by Using Interoperable e-Science Infrastructures - The Infrastructure Interoperability Reference Model Applied in e-Science}, journal = {Cluster Computing}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, year = {2009}, pages = {357--372}, issn = {1386-7857}, doi = {10.1007/s10586-009-0102-2}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg} }